Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Extra Credit

When you say that we are a bunch of possers I immediately got defensive and disagreed, but now after I think about it I realize that my generation truly is a bunch of possers. We have nothing to call our own… yeah we play basketball and yeah we do stuff on our free time, but even that has become injected with corporations. My basketball is from nike, my video games are from playstation, heck even my music isn’t original by any means, I listen to what is popular. Given there are those few people who listen to underground bands, but even they are possers. So how do I feel about this, well I guess it is upsetting but I cant really complain I mean I don’t mind having my life essentially be sponsored I don’t really have to do anything, because these companies are doing everything for me. When I think of Facebook, I feel that it was started by a student at Harvard, so that is apart of my culture right? Wrong. It is one of the most profitable new online companies today, it even sponsored a few of the presidential debates this year. I cant help but feel that my generation is getting everything handed to us, we can literally go through our entire lives and not have the chance to be creative of explore the world around us, because everything is sponsored, there is nothing for us to discover that hasn’t already been found by a large company.
I guess to be blunt, I don’t really care that much. My life is fine the way it is, it isn’t like companies are stealing anything from me, there just making profit off of whatever I choose to do in my life. I don’t see any problems with that.

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