Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I feel that the lyrics in Kanye's song "Good Life" don't necessarily define me, but they do bring out a sort of cocky persona. Speaking about material things, and how "the best things in life are free" In a way I would like to think that I am a morally righteous person, but this song talks about the inner desires of what the "Good Life" is supposed to be. It's filled with fast cars, lots of money, and beautiful women.
This song came to mind, simply because of the phrase "throw your hands up in the sky", for some reason every time that I hear that, I cant help but throw my hands up. (It's weird...I know) but I feel like sometimes you just gotta sit back, throw your hands up and enjoy the ride of the "Good Life"


Monday, March 17, 2008

Musical Artist

Kanye West has influenced and still is influencing many people in our generation. In many of Kanye West's lyrics he talks about many of the things that young people can relate to such as growing up with a widowed mother, and how strong there relationship was. Love is a big issue with our generation because it seems like many children, now more than ever are finding themselves with only one parent, due to a divorce rate of 50%, (but that is to be saved for another post). Kanye West has achieved to create a very self centered and cocky image and yet he does a great job of dealing with important issues, that need to be brought to light. Overall, Kanye West has a big influence on our generation even though he is not done...TBC

Kanye says "George Bush Hates Black People"

Jesus Walks

Have you ever wondered...

How expensive it would be to fill your apartment with plastic balls? No?
Ok, maybe you didn't, but someone else, besides me, did.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Elvis Presley was the first real rock and roll star. He was the white guy that could bring the black soul to the masses. His rebellious swing of the hips created a movement never before seen by society at the time. He was immediately labeled as a rebel and hooligan. Though he was hated by the adult population and the government didn't allow him to perform in certain states, the power of Rock 'n Roll launched Elvis and the music industry to heights never before imagined.